Malina Brothers
Bratři Malinové, tedy banjista Luboš (Druhá tráva), kytarista Pavel a houslista Josef se společně sešli na pódiu, přizvali ještě kontrabasistu Pavla Peroutku a v roce 2010 založili skupinu Malina Brothers.
Hudebníci udržují živý odkaz východočeské trampské a bluegrassové hudby, na které vyrůstali.
Posluchači se mohou těšit na známé písně jako Stín staré řeky, A život běží dál nebo Rychlejší koně, kterým skupina vtiskla skvělou interpretací nezaměnitelný zvuk. Mají za sebou řadu koncertů v USA, natočili čtyři řadová CD a jubilejní DVD s hosty Charliem McCoyem a Kateřinou García.
V lednu 2024 skupině vychází autorské album V peřejích. Na novém cd se několika texty podílí Radůza a Pepa Lábus a hraje například Winston Watson, legendární bubeník Boba Dylana a další zajímaví hosté.

The Malina Brothers
An extraordinary fusion of Bluegrass and Baroque music from the Czech Republic.
In 2010 the three Malina brothers, namely banjo player Luboš (oftheaward-winning „Czechgrass“ group Druhá tráva), guitarist Pavel, and violinist Josef, formed their family band Malina Brothers, which was eventually joined by Pavel Peroutka on double bass. All four “Brothers” are natives of Náchod, a city on the Czech-Polish border.
They have toured extensively in the USA, as well as on domestic and European stages, and they have collaborated with Czech and international musicians such as Peter Rowan, Charlie McCoy, Béla Fleck and others.
The Malina Brothers honour their musical connections to the Eastern-Bohemian Bluegrass and “Tramping” traditions, which were their main influences during the stark years of the Communist regime.
The three Malina brothers eventually developed their own, unique musical style based on their listening to American Country and Bluegrass recordings (which would occasionally make their way into Czechoslovakia through the Iron Curtain), combined with the musical influences of the local “Tramping” movement, Eastern European Folklore, and Classical music.
On their latest album, “Baroquegrass 1721-2021” the Malina Brothers introduced a fusion of Bluegrass and Baroque music with a series of original arrangements, creating a brand new musical style: Baroquegrass.

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